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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:46 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Q: What show holds the guinness world record for the longest running TV Sci Fi series?

A: The Mousetrap!

🤣 🐭🐁




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They clearly misheard the question. Doctor Who I assume?

Now that is funny 😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   😀   

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she heard it, didn't jump straight in.

Well, Agatha Christie did appear (as a character, obviously) in an episode of Who.


I'm clutching aren't I? 😁

I've seen The Mousetrap - and read it.  It may as well be science fiction!

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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