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The creme de la creme, RIP.

Very sad news indeed.  RIP Dame Maggie.

The Express is behind a paywall for me, so -

Oh Iam so sorry - Ive always liked and admired her.  She was so versatile - just thinking of The Lady in the Van.  

sad to hear that, one of my favourite films is the little known "Hot Millions" she did with Peter Ustinov.

And that too Zebo - marvellous performances.

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One of the best. RIP.

I am really sorry to hear this.  I thought she was an absolutely cracking actress and I could happily watch anything she was in.  She was just the full package.  RIP.

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i think iv seen all her films and from memory not a single bad performance.. that's rare.

So sad to hear this. Such a brilliant actor. RIP Dame Maggie


I watched the TV show she did with Dames Judi Dench and Joan Plowrightt - what a triumvrite of mega-talent. As well as being hugely irreverant and rude they were fascinating to listen to.

A great loss to the acting world.....and to those of us who admired her performances across stage and screen.

I hope the lights will be dimmed in Shaftesbury Avenue in her honour.

I have only seen clips of that, Jack and thought it looked hilarious.  They really do take the mickey out of Judi Dench.

Great actor. 

Sad news.She was a wonderful actress. R I P Maggie.

The only upside to this is that we'll be treated to some quality film and tv shows in the next few weeks.

Bed Amongst the Lentils

A Private Functon

Gosford Park

...and fingers crossed for Evil Under the Sun!

But the downside to that is we'll probably get the Harry Potter films


A superb actress - a real presence.  I'm so very sorry to hear this.  I've loved her in everything I've seen her in - from Miss Jean Brodie to Harry Potter's shape-shifting Professor McGonagall to lovely Muriel residing alongside the great Judi Dench in that famously exotic Best Marigold Hotel.  And who could forget Downton's fabulous dowager duchess asking in all seriousness 'What's a weekend?'  

Truly a legend.  The world of stage and screen is the poorer for her passing.  She will be missed.

Sad to read this she was a commsumate actress. We always tuned in if her name was on the cast list, particularly if along side Judi Dench. Recently watched Ladies in Lavender which we greatly enjoyed RIP

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Maggie Smith R.i.p

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