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The Traitors Nz Version

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barry1010 | 07:44 Mon 30th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers

Starts tonight 8pm BBC 3.

If you intend to watch, don't search it on the internet as this has already  been broadcast in NZ and you will see spoilers.

I didn't intend to watch the US version but enjoyed it so will give this a go



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Ooo, thanks Barry.  I watch them all.  Love the Traitors.

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I hope there is a good range of ages and not all Instagram wannabee stars

The Australian one, series 2, is excellent, Barry.

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I can't remember if I watched that.


Maybe if you watch a bit you'll know if you've seen it or not.

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I'll check later. 

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The Traitors Nz Version

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