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Did The Chaser ‘Throw’ A Couple Of Questions Today?

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naomi24 | 18:30 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
47 Answers

I can't believe he didn't know Gerald du Maurier or Decolletage.  I think he was being kind.



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I've never heard of Gerald du Maurier.

The thing about general knowlege is that it can have major gaps

These"quiz"shows are just a swindle.Its all scripted before-hand.Do the producers of these so-called quizzes not think we havent seen the film Quiz Show in which all these quizzes were shown to be a fraud?

The prosecution rests.

17:41 that's a bit of a stretch ynna, you mean they are all actors and no one really wins any money? Perlease! Ok there have been cases of elements being a bit iffy and ITV especially have been caught out but now they are squeaky clean. They actually have lawyers on hire to make sure they don't get sued.

I've not seen the film Quiz Show so thank God there's folk like you ynnafymmi, enlightening us...

Im not just a pretty face TCL.

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