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Harry Hill's tv burp?

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cherrybomb | 03:13 Mon 23rd Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

I know it's corny and you know exactly what is going to happen next, most of the time; but I can honestly say it's about the only thing on tv at the moment that I really laugh until I cry at.

Does anyone agree?



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I know what you mean i always laugh at it, but didnt think it was on anymore, am i missing it?
Totally agree: stumbled across it by chance and was very impressed by how cleverly researched, written and edited it was. Quite wicked in parts too!
I think the anticipation of what is coming next is part of what makes you laugh out loud. I watched it with my Dad on Saturday and for the first time for years we both laughed at the same thing. My 3 year old daughter found some bits funny too � 3 generations sat down at teatime and laughing at the same thing, it doesn�t happen often enough anymore.
I loved it and my eldest daughter (6) was laughing her head off too. I knew Rula Lenska reminded me of osmeone (LOL) ...
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AliFlump it's on Saturday afternoon, I think you have only missed the first two.

Glossopswift I agree it's the anticipation, I knew when the door of the ladies swung open, who would be sitting on the loo, but I still laughed until I cried and I am still laughing as I type this.

Thanks all, for your answers.


GUUUUTTED. i love this programme, when is it on, i thought they'd cancelled it. I'm off to look at the sky planner. do they still have extra of the week.... lol
Oh my gosh - it is great isn't it? But I love TV review programmes - Charlie Brookers Screen Wipe, Lip Service, Newsnight Review, they're all great

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Harry Hill's tv burp?

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