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Celebrity BB

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4getmenot | 11:21 Fri 27th Jan 2006 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers
So who are you going to vote for?? Give your reasons why.


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normally i have one clear favorite but this time its really hard preston is so cute i would like him to win, but on the other hand i know its wrong but pete has had me in sitches i know hes nasty but so funny with it, and then chantelle has done really well, and maggot is lovely not at all how id thought he would be.

so in answer to your question i dont no sorry! all i no is who i dont wont to win !!

Question Author
You're about the same as me loopyc. I am going to vote for Maggot but I think Chantelle is gonna win. I like her but I dont think a non celebrity should win, they have their own BB. And I hated Pete with all the bullying but he made me crack up lastnight with his impressions of Jodie, and when Preston and Chantelle had issues with it Maggot was right to say 'well all the things petes said Jodie did say'

The pair of you need to get out more!

Watching BB is one thing but actually considering wasting your money voting on something so heavily edited in the vain hope of seeing a complete non entity kickstarting a faltering career is quite laughable.

No offence meant by the way!

Well I don't vote, and only watch if I'm in and it is on (which is most of the time) but I have missed most of this series, however if I was voting it would be for Maggot, and then Pete. Preston gets on my nerves, I can't see what the attraction is with him, I just find him irritating, and every time I see Chantelle I want to hack her extensions off because she keeps bl00dy faffing with her her and stroking it, and first things in the morning reaches for the blusher and lip gloss! Pete does make me laugh, even though he is mean but Maggot clinched it for me when on last night's show he said something like "Well he had my fags right, but I'm going to say nothing cos he's bigger than me". Bless :-)

im not gonna vote, but I would like to see Pete win it mostly, maybe michael. Woulds have been better for Galloway or Dennis to win, but they have since departed.

If you had asked me 2 days ago and I would have said Michael, asked me a week ago and I might have said chantelle or preston.

The fact is, is that chantelle and preston are really getting on my goat, michael thinks of himself only but may benefit from winning, pete is a poo stirrer but i love it!

Very good Gevs1966 but the money goes to charity so who cares if its edited. The whole point of it is that "THE MONEY GOES TO CHARITY".

I hope Chantelle wins and makes a mockery of the "Celebs", she will end up a bigger name than any of the others.

Hey neddie! Long time no speak - where are the CBers? What's happened? haven't been on here for ages!!

Sorry for highjacking you thread 4getmenot!

Why is it that when you post a question like this you always get someone who has to have a dig. If you don't like Big Bro then why open the question and why submit an answer? Why not just keep scrolling?

As people we are all different (thank god) and we all like different things. Jeez wouldn't the world be a boring place otherwise. So if some like watching Big Bro and some don't - well what's the problem? Some people reckon it's mindnumbing and ridiculous but you know what after a bloody long and stressfull day it sometimes is really nice to come home and switch something on which makes you laugh and to which you can give your brain a rest.

Some people like football some don't, some like dramas some don't... It's all about realising we're different and respecting people for it. So don't have a go at people for what their tastes are like, just enjoy life

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Well seen as you put a good answer earlier I'll let you off, unlike other people that dont write anything to do with the question. and if you're a mate of nedflanders then you're a mate of mine coz he stuck up for me and god damm I wish I'd though of that reply first :-)
Question Author
Thanks for your input. But HappyFace who do you wanna win?
I'm sure Chantelle will win but what's the point? Do we really need another talentless, flash in the pan so called celeb? Dennis was right, it is weird in this country that you don't have to be a celeb to walk the red carpet, but once you walk the red carpet, you are a celeb. I'd vote for Pete if I was going to bother. Despite his rather poor taste in coats, he's been brilliant telly, and that is what CBB is all about. He's also made me laugh more than any of the others, by a long way. Can't believe Barrymore is still there, as he's managed to make me like him even less than I did before the show started.

i probably wont actually vote but will be watching cos i've nothing else to do tonight. im so skint! :-( Anyway i think it would be nice for Chantelle to win she seems a lovely girl and hasnt really lost the plot and has just generally been nice to folk. i like Maggot too and Traci's adorable.

Preston because he is cute.

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