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Father In Law in Eastenders?

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Metz | 22:53 Tue 21st Feb 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Who is he ? Have seen him in something else but can't think what it is


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I switched on Eastenders tonight, the only new face I saw on there was Phil Daniels. Think he was in Quadrophenia
He used to play the husband of Pauline Quirke in "Birds of a feather" but I can't remember his name.
Not sure if you mean the Cypriot father-in-law or Phil Daniels. Phil Daniels was also the salesman in the Blur video 'Parklife'; he also spoke in the song. I think he was also in Sunnyside Farm. Not a clue on the Cypriot.
Phil Daniels is Brit acting royalty - why he's demeaned himself to go on this festering fetid pile of ***** is beyond me!
His name is Peter Polycarpu. He played "Chris" Paulne Quirke's husband in Birds of a Feather in series' 2 to 6

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Father In Law in Eastenders?

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