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Old ER episodes

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barmybint | 20:43 Thu 23rd Feb 2006 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

Does anyone one know where I can get hold of a couple of old ER episodes - Series 5 "The Good Fight" and the double episode (in Series 6, I think) one of which was called "All in the family" or similar - the one where Lucy is killed?

Sad, I know, but my tape chewed them up! I've tried numerous bittorrent sites but to no avail. HELP!!



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Series 5 is being shown on more 4 and should un into series 6 and series 9 was shown on channel 4 weekdays and has just started sereis 10
Lucy is still in i in the one being shown on more 4 weekdays - hope this helps. I started watching t when I saw that as I have always loved Kellie Martin as an actress and Hallmark just started playing her Mystery woman detective series

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