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Ice Age

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~Wingnut~ | 16:54 Sat 01st Apr 2006 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Am I going mad or was Ice Age on last week too?

Was suprised to come downstairs to see it on telly again! Thought it was a video at first. Is it a region thing or has everybody got it on ITV as well? I'm in North Yorkshire.



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Hiya wingnut (how are you?) I'm in Lancs and was kicking myself I'd missed it last weekend ( I forgot!), well chuffed that it's on this week as well :-)
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Hiya Boo!!!!!!

I'm doing well thanx, off out with hubby for an Indian meal tonight, so got me slap on :o) How's you?

Phew, thought I had dreamt it last week! Is the film that popular that ITV play it twice, 2 Sats in a row? Never known a channel do that before.

I thought I was going potty when I turned the TV on and saw it on again, I even phoned my mum to make sure I wasn't going mad!

Ooooo have a good night then wingnut, I'm great ta, thanks for asking.

I watched it all, and i'm ashamed to say I had a little blub at the end much to the amusement of my 17 year old, she's no soul!!!!

You wanna hear something really daft. I was working all night (as I seem to do most Friday nights now!), fell asleep on the sofa, and woke up to find Ice age on. When I realised I was awake, it made me wonder if seeing before was just one of those premonition dreams we sometimes have (I've never seen it elsewhere you see) so for five minutes I'm trying to remember the lottery numbers from the "dream" too. What a plonker!!.
It was on ITV and ITV2 virtually the same week
What are you talking about? I have checked the Radio Times for Saturday 18th March, and it is not listed at all.
It was premiered last week Chris, the 25th, and repeated (for some weird reason) this week, the 1st.
Thought my missus had bought the wrong tv guide when I saw it advertised again. Great film though, cant wait to see the sequal.

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