Critic in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Deore | 19:15 Sun 05th Jan 2003 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
How do i become a film or T.V. critic?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Most, if not all, TV/film critics who appear on television or who write for the newspapers are trained journalists who have simply chosen to specialise in appraising film and tv. If you do not already have any relevant qualifications, then an obvious start would be to look into this and the costs involved. An appropriate course in journalism is an obvious choice, but English is also an excellent subject if you wish to pursue a career in journalism. You should also contact your local newspapers (including the freebie ones), radio stations and TV stations and seeing what journalistic opportunities they might have (even if unpaid, at least you'll be gaining experience and getting a foot in the door).
The Internet has given the untrained masses the chance to post their views whether or not a TV station,newspaper or magazine wants to give you space to be a critic. Set up a website and if you're any good, people will start to come and read your work. (This way won't get you invited to premieres and interviews, but it's a start).
Having said that about the net, someone I know was approached by a music promo company, on the strength of his site content and popularity alone, to be sent free stuff. They gave him CDs all the time, and he got some phone interviews and gig tickets, absolutely free! All he had to do was review - which you want to do anyway! And the best bit is, you get creative freedom; say what you like about the artists, as long as you send them some form of review back. I'm sure specialist film sites get free stuff too.

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