The Da Vinci Code in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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The Da Vinci Code

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pinksmartie | 21:14 Wed 10th May 2006 | Arts & Literature
11 Answers

I don't know alot about the Da Vinci Code (actually i only know the barest outline) so this question might be stupid but i'll ask anyway. Why is there always the painting of Mona Lisa shown when the Da Vinci Code comes up? Are they connected?

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sorry im completely clueless about this lol.
Cos Leonardo Da Vinci painted it

...... and here she is .......

if that's on your bedroom wall tatty I'm sending an officer of the lawer round!
they are also suggesting she's smiling because "she knows the deep dark secret"
as any branch of Ann sumers will tell u

The film will be out soon pinksmartie, if you go and see it you will get the answer to your question :-) I enjoyed the book and with Tom Hanks starring I think the film should also be a good watch ..... I will be waiting for the DVD tho!

Actually, the Mona Lisa hanging in the Louvre is actually Da Vinci's 2nd attempt. He was never pleased with the first version:-

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lol champagne


The Mona Lisa does play a role in the book as well. I don't want to go into detail as it might spoil the book/film for anyone interested - I recommend it though but read the prequel to the story (Angels and Demons) first as it will help with the timing of things as the DVC often loosely refers back to things that happened in that book. Both are fantastic though! And please read the books before seeing the film as everyone knows the books always better than the film!!! :) X*X*X
Angles And Demons is ay-mazing, Iv just bought the Da vinci Code and I'm ready to get stuck in, haha.
Is the film any good?

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The Da Vinci Code

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