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Fans of Quantum Leap

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texol | 01:23 Mon 15th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers

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I loved QL! Especially the episode when Sam leaps home. I can't wait to see this!
Mr Spudqueen will be really interested to see this. He was a huge fan of Quantum Leap and was always disappointed with the final episode.
I can't wait to see this,QL is one of my favourite programmes ever!

Don't get too excited! That page has been there a while...

I'd like to know how 152 people have seen and voted on something that has yet to start filming.

I used to watch this a few years ago with my older brother! I loved it! I used to hope every week that he would go back home. But for some reason i must have stopped watching & never did see the last episode!
the words "scrapping" and "bottom of the barrell" come to mind. Can they not think of anything else????
i loved quantom leap, especialy the trilogy where he met all the characters!!

I've been watching it on DVD recently,seasons 1 & 2,and it is just as good as I remember it.What a great format it has,you can do so many things with it.I love the episode where he jumps into a weoman for the first time and gets revenge on a sexist boss.

There has been talk of a new series with Sam's daughter as the leaper looking for him and Al would still be the observer.

Has it really been 20 years since it finished?
Couldnt be 20 years since it finished - It only began in 1989
it has been 13 years, and i cant wait till(if) they do a new series or film,it wont be the same with out aka scott.

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