The Osbournes in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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The Osbournes

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kahunabean | 09:15 Thu 30th Jan 2003 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Does anyone else find Ozzy beyond reproach (majestically shambling as a testament to surviving drug abuse), Sharon ok as a power luncher, but Jack and Kelly the most charmless kids ever to grace the TV set ? Also how did Kelly get a record deal ? The US is famed for its 'standards' of mediagenic perfection (Anna Friel was rejected by Hollywood for her teeth for chrissakes) and Kelly Osbourne slips thru the net ??? Deeply confused !
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It's economics: Kelly Osbourne is already famous (famous dad, famous TV show) so she is easy to market and make some money from. Schadenfreude also has alot to do with the popularity of the show.
I don't think the kids can be blamed -- they live life the only way they know how. Fair play to them. As for Kelly getting a record deal - well, her dad did, and you're surely not suggesting that she is less talented than him, are you? It would be a shame if there was a 'mediagenic perfection' standard for girls but not forboys!
Ozzy's place in musical history is assured because he was part of Black Sabbath, one of the defining bands of modern music, and he got a solo deal because of that connection - in the same way Kelly has a deal because of his connection. I have never watched 'The Osbournes' because i can't buy into the 'all that money and they are just awful, and he's a brain case' selling point - it's a one-shot deal, and has no appeal at all. I've met Ozzy professionally several times - he's just the same as he always is, I don't need to see him on TV to be sure of that. Is it good television? Not for me, but I accept I am in a minority.
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Andy Hughes - you've met Ozzy ????!!!! Cool !
If you think Jack and Kelly are bad, Christ can you imagine what THERE kids are going to turn out?
i like the family and the show. it shows what life is like in a family and all the rifts and bad langauge that come with it. as for jack i ain't saying anything and kelly set up her own record deal because, well she does sing good. if kel was'nt famous she will still be in the charts off her own back!
sez b - that should actually be "off her own bat", which when you consider who we're talking about is priceless.
The Ozbornes are a just a talentless family who, if they lived on a council estate, nobody would take any notice of. Because of daddy Ozzy Ozborne, leader of the mediocre, outdated 70s band Black Sabbath, they are able to grab unmerited media attention. What did they do to deserve so much publicity? Do YOU get such publicity? Of course you don't. Because you don't have a famous daddy (who, in the end, is just a publicity-seeking jerk like any other faded rock star).

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