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Corrie's Knicker Factory

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Dollie | 20:22 Mon 22nd May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Can anyone tell me if I've missed a vital piece of information this weekend - when exactly was the factory refurbished and given a metal stairway to upstairs ?? Have I not been watching attentively enought this past week or has there been mention of a re-fit and I missed it ?? Either way, its been done at lightening speed. Cheers Dol x



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The builders were still in there in last nights episode Dollie so they must work pretty damn fast is all I can say!
They've had plastic sheeting up for weeks now inside the factory. Though strangely it's only been mentioned once.
we said exactly the same thing this evening!
Whats upstairs?
the ghost of Mike Baldwin ooooooooh

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Corrie's Knicker Factory

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