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kipchik | 15:36 Sat 27th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Can someone tell me if supernatural was on last week cos if so i missed it,is there anywhere i can download the episode,i've never missed one yet and i'm gutted thanks!


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Hi Kipchik,

I think that the episode you missed was called 'Something Wicked'. If you have any relatives in Ireland that particular episode isn't being transmitted until next Wednesday night (on TV3) over there !!

Other than that I have spotted a 350 mb file of that episode on Shareaza Lite (are you familiar with file-sharing programs?) but it may take some time to download.

And (I know that its not the same !) but you can find transcripts/scripts of all the episodes on the following link -

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Thanx for the info chelsea i'll have a look,i appreciate it!

Hi, I get TV3. and as usual chelsea97 is spot on. It is on wednesday. If you want me to I can videotape it for you and forward it, if you can't get it an easier way.

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Oh god i appreciate that MrsLadyBug,there is no way i can get it,and i have NEVER missed one yet,I was away last week the sky+ was set up to record but we had a power cut this area and it didn't record,If you could record it i'd be really grateful,,thanx!!

No problem, Just email your address to me and i will sort it out. I will be taping it anyway as i don't get to see it when it is aired. (I love it too!)

[email protected]

Thank you for the compliment MrsLadyBug, I'm blushing !!

Actually I had a similar idea and am trying to download the episode from a peer to peer server - but its going sloooowly ! (Got just 37% of it so far).

If I can get the whole thing I'll make a video CD of it (that hopefully you'll be able to play on your PC) to give you an alternative to MrsLadybugs extremely kind offer.

Watch this space !

Question Author
Thanx,i'll be watching this space too!!

Hi again Kipchik,

I've been able to download all of that episode (advert-free !) you missed on to a CD so if you e-mail me the address that you want it sending to I'll post it to you in the morning (the post office is shut today).

As I'm in London and MrsLadyBug is in Ireland (plus a CD is easier to post than a video cassette) thats probably the best solution for everyone.

[email protected]

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