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A line from a film

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ppdxs00 | 15:13 Thu 13th Feb 2003 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Who said you lucky lucky people in what film?


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Wasn't that the music hall comedian Tommy Trinder's catchphrase? I stand to be corrected as I haven't looked it up anywhere!
"You luckee luckee b@st@rds" is a line from Life of Brian
you lucky, lucky ba****d. What I wouldnt give to be spat at in the face.... sorry, isnt it annoying when people quote monty python all the time....
John Simm said exactly that in his opening monologue in the film Human Traffic. He was telling us all how lucky we were to be having sex whilst his paranoid impotence prevented him from doing the same.

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A line from a film

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