At the beginning of the last episode of Heartbeak shown in Canada 2006/06/16, there was song that I would like to track down if anyone knows the name of it and who sang it. All I can remember are the lyrics at the start - "something tells me something good will happen tonight" ...
I checked the credits at the end of the program and it showed nothing. Can anyone help me?
Sounds more like Something Tells Me (Something's Gonna Happen Tonight) by Cilla Black to me. One of her more...erm..restrained (i.e. bearable) vocal performances. :-)
Equally, Postdog, I can see why you made your suggestion. I was hoping to post a link to the lyrics of Our Cilla's song, but couldn't find the darned thing anywhere on this here internet thingy. We'll just have to await Charles 4's verdict... :-)