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SQUIGGLE in Eastenders.

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Bird Legs | 13:59 Fri 23rd Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
I`m sure that I recognise Sqiggle in Eastenders from a few years back. I seem to recall her being in a sit-com about ten years ago when she played the daughter of a family of three - Grand-ma, Mum, Daughter. Can anyone else recall this?


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Her real name Belinda Owusu.
She was previously in a pizza ad, but couldn't find out anything else.
I don't know how you recognised her from ten years ago, she only looks about 15. She can't look the same as she did when she was 5 surely.
Those glasses must have looked gigantic on her face.

I'm wondering if you're thinking of The Crouches - a sitcom from a few years back. That had the 3 generation set up ,although with other characters as well , and was about a black family in London. It couldn't have had Squiggle in it but maybe the daughter looks like her.
Only thing I could think of.
oos squiggle?
froggo - Squiggle is a character in Enders
froggo - Squiggle is a character in Enders - just noticed you should have known that from the title - her mum is asingle parent and she has an older sister who's about 20. Her mum is well mouthy
is it chelseas step sister or something the on who the car lot owner bloke is tryin to knock offs mum that is or have i jus lost the plot?

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SQUIGGLE in Eastenders.

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