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Robson Green

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teamcool | 10:40 Thu 27th Jul 2006 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Has Robson Green won any awards or been awarded any honours? Cheers


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Yes he gets the 'Hey ladeez, look at me, I'm really quite fabulously gorgeous aren't I?' Award on an anual basis for the actor who thinks giving dreamy stares at the camera as though he's been told to smile. and then shot in the back with a poisomned arrow actually constitutes playing a roke in a TV drama.

He comes across simultaniously as the most one-dimensional actor on TV, as well as the most conceited man alive, now that Lord Longford no longer holds that title.
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Cheers Ethel thats exactly what I wanted. And cheers andy for bringin a smile to my other wise dull afternoon.

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