lol people are alwyas telling me to calm down, take a chill pill etc, when i am not in the least stressed ... in fact the people who tell me always seem to be quite agitated about it themselves, so should really take their own advice. I was giving the guy a helpful tip on where to find his answer, and directing him to the most appropriate section for advert questions, so therefore if he has any in the future he can a) find the answer quickly and b) go to the section where people who know the answers go, making it much more likely he will find the answer in future. You are right some people dont have an adverts section, but i am right that some people do not read stuff like "if your question is about an advert ... etc"
la la, i though i was being nice, helpful, calm, useful, but it seems i am a stressed old harridan who needs to calm down before she has an apoplexy I just don't get how people make these inferences on the strength of my answers? Any minute now someone will be telling me i'm having a period, and it will all be ok in a couple of days