I think this is what it was called. Shane Ritchie and Pauline Collins. Did anyone watch it? I enjoyed watching Pauline Collins but she would have driven me mad on holiday. The man who played the dad (I know he was in Only Fools and Horses but don't know his name) played his part very well. I did find the end a bit disturbing.
yes me too, all excellently portrayed, I must admit I thought he was going to change his mind at the end and go after him and was very surprised and disturbed to find he didn't.
Basically he took his father into the water for a paddle. He seemed to be enjoying it and so his son laid him on his back to help him float and feel the water. His father said a few mumbled words. His son asked him a few times what he was saying and eventually understood him to say "Let me go" He let go of him and let him float out to sea. I was sure he was going to change his mind and swim out to his father and bring him back but he didn't . He just watched with tears in his eyes as his father floated away. Very sad.