I know. Do you know roughly when the next film is due to hit the cinemas ? My eldest daughter is nine and with each film , I question the suitability for her but I couldn't NOT let her see it and to be honest , I don't think that they are as 'dark' as they are made out to be. Perhaps very young viewers would be alarmed by certain scenes but this is where parental guidance and common sense comes in. I certainly wouldn't let my three year old see it but my nine year old is very sensible and I seem to jump more than her. Case in point - the dementors ! I cried when Cedric Diggory died and my daughter was mortified but i'm a big softie like that.
They do always seem to cast well. My daughter was so excited when she heard that they were auditioning in Scotland for the part of Cho Chang because she wanted to audition so badly. I had to break it to her gently that given the fact that she isn't oriental , she wouldn't really fit with the image of Cho Chang. Oh and the fact that she is only nine ! However , if they ever want a nine year old , Scottish girl who is like a lovesick puppy at the mention of Harry Potter , then my daughter's their girl. She wishes !