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Life On Mars, more series?

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robertson | 19:55 Sun 03rd Dec 2006 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Does anyone know if there'll be more series of Life On Mars and, if so, when?


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The second series has already been filmed and will be shown early next year.

Apparently all will be revealed in the second series..and a spin-off is planned featuring other members of the cast and will be set in the early 80's.
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I've just watched the first series and of course it's excellent. My one reservation is that in most episodes Gene Hunt is convinced he's got the right theory as to how a crime was committed only for Sam Tyler to prove him wrong. Fab casting though. And very interesting how a relatively ordinary looking actress like Liz White can come across so sexy without resorting to baring flesh.
Why is this a reservation?

I think it's really important to show this, as Sam Tyler has been working in a much more modern environment with the uses of DNA and fingerprinting, and other forensics which he has been able to use back in 1974...methods which Gene 'tut tuts' all the time, but are proven to work. It is worthwhile knowing that 30 odd years ago too many crooks got away with it due to lack of knowledge and 'gung ho' attitudes displayed by Gene.

It is also great to see Sam use Annie in a much more productive way than was used in the early part of the 70's..WPCs didn't have any clout! I like the idea of Annie becoming a well respected detective if the series spin off emerges...

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Life On Mars, more series?

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