faq's in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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lankeela | 14:21 Mon 25th Dec 2006 | Site Suggestions
2 Answers
Would it be possible to have some sort of FAQ list as I have just asked and had answered a question that has been asked several times before I am sure.

I know we get asked if we want to still submit when the question is similar to another post, but maybe a list would make it easier? Don't know if this would work though, as we would have to have one for each category, wouldn't we?

The one I am mainly thinking of is computers!.
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Thats what the search box is for, not that anyone ever uses the flipping thing
Yes the search box is really useful if you use it, for instance I wanted to ask something tonight and I was sure I had asked it ages ago, and I found it in a nanosecond by using the search box (and I had asked it about two years ago!!)

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