I agree that the three of them were bullying Shilpa ~ but I am not sure it was racially motivated..more culturally motivated which of course is another thing entirely. They are basically jealous of her intellect & class, I reckon.
As for Jermaine ~ he didn't actually call Jackiey or Jade 'white trash' to their faces..he told Shilpa that this is what they would be called in the US. Incidently, this phrase was invented by American white folk..not ethnic people.
He also replied 'of course' to the Q about whether his wife was black. This has been assumed as a racist issue by white people. I disagree. If his preference is being with a black woman, then all fine & dandy..it is a personal choice. My husband has often said he wouldn't go out with an ethnic woman ~ the reason for that he hasn't said..merely that he has never found any he has met attractive! He is far from racist.
If Jermaine had elaborated and started saying that he 'only liked black women because white women are...*insert derogatory comment*' then racism may or may not be assumed.