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Silence of the lambs

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sevi1 | 13:12 Mon 12th Feb 2007 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Is mischa, Dr lecters missing sister mentioned at all during silence of the lambs?


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No. It is highly likely that at the time of the novel's conception, the idea of filling in Lecter's early life was not considered, and the characters involved were created years after the original novel was completed.

The entire appeal of Silence Of The Lambs is the enigma that is Hanibal Lecter. Why is such an intelligent cultivated man a sadistic psychopath? It proved so well, and even more in Anthony Hopkins' wonderful portrayal in the film, that such people do not have horns and a forked tail, they look and sound like you or I - except for the eyes of course.

I have read all the 'Hanibal' books, and find the last one to be a coarse bolted-on cash-in from which to make an apparently poor and unconvincing movie.

The seence of any fictional icon is to leave it undiluted - let it appear, be recognised, and then left alone. The attempts to 'round out' Lecter's character have simply served to diminish his initial impact.
Andy, what did you think of the films after reading the books?
I have read all the books except for the latest one. Red dragon was the best, followed by Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal was a total joke, it seemed to me that it was written in a way so that it was unfilmable, I still can't believe they shot some of it, but they did change the ending.

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