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louis walsh leaving x factor

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gina32 | 21:53 Thu 08th Mar 2007 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers 49.stm
and kate thornton, is this good or bad


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Depends who they get to host and judge instead of :o)
I never liked Louis as a judge (he was far too baised) but I thought Kate Thornton was brilliant as a presenter. So good and bad lol
Good thing. Louis only ever judged contestants on whether or not he wanted their **** in his ******....
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lucky eight dont be pathetic
Good thing about Louis, but I thought Kate was a good presenter.

I will never forgive Louis Walsh for giving us Girls Aloud ;o)

Not that I am that bothered about the X Factor to be lost it's spark ages ago!
i agree with pippa i too think it lost its spark ages ago! even the 'crap' auditions stopped being funny........just tedious. Louis walsh going........wouldnt bother me either way, (shouty) Kate Thornton - couldnt stand her, although i have to grudgingly admit that she held the show together, plus, anyone who takes her place will automatically be compered, i heard that cat deeley was favourite for that positon?
Bad thing they should axe the whole show
Don't you think this is just hype? Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell are very rich businessmen. They were at the Oscars together two weeks ago FFS!

This is just a ploy to get publicity. Louis Walsh will be managing whoever wins but a change of face to someone more well known and popular will increase viewers.

I doubt that Paula Abdul could be away from the bar long enough to do the UK show!

As for Kate Thornton she was a wooly presenter who couldn't listen to her interviewee because she had to concentrate on the Autocue. The Gig was too big for her
whats happened to the last 3 winners anyway?its a waste of time.
Excellent news. I love X Factor but kate thornton winds me up. She is such a wooden presenter and never seems to have much emotion or personality. Anyone can read an autocue, and she's not exactly pleasing to the eye.
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well glammapus she might not do anything for you but i bet she does for a lot of people
hey stokeace...........can i just point out that cute little Ray (tw*t) aka Eddie Munster was on Entertainment Today/GMTV (AHEM) doesnt get much better than THAT!!! and for anyone who wants to know (or even gives a to**) his little single is out on Monday, dont get crushed in the stampede outside HMV now - i'd set off now if i were you, see ya there! lol
I quite liked Louis and Kate. I heard rumours, hopefully not true that Big Bro Shilpa is going to be a judge.
Louis Walsh (he`s Irish btw) shouldn`t leave, Sharon should go, she`s no judge of talent
As for Kate Thornton...would anyone miss her?...Nah

Melinda Messenger would be better
In the paper today it stated that Dermot O;Leary would take over and jessica Simpson (who ??) would be a judge
I'm glad they're going. Its got to be an even better show without them!
if melinda messenger presented it with jo guest throw in i may start watching it, lol

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