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potterfan3 | 22:57 Sat 12th May 2007 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers
Why must we embarrass ourselves?


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I really do think that it's time we as a country avoided the Eurovision, no matter what song we enter with, no side will ever vote for us as they all hate us!

For the record I thought our song this year wasn't THAT bad.
Its a total farce. Get rid of the Eastern Eurpoean countries and some other countries might get a look in. They all just vote for each other. What the hell was that Ukraine thing about?!!
The UK should just clear off out of it and retain a bit of dignity. Lets face it, what music do they have in these God forsaken countries anyway. The UK doesnt need to embarrass itself in this way - we have more talent in the little finger of our country than these bozos have in their whole 'music' scene. Aaaaagh !!!
Boo I agree - Scooch is like a cross between Steps and Venga Boys and is catchy - I keep finding myself humming it even tho its still c**p!!
its all a joke now really.

An Eastern -European country could have a terrible song accompanied by people breaking wind, and their neighbours would still vote 12 points for it.

Hell its practiaclly any neighbour voting for each Wogan happily points out
Why do I watch this every year? LOL

The winning song was the worst one innit! GRRRR!!!!

Ours was much better. e=related&search=
The whole competition is just a joke. I think instead of having a semi final where a lot of countries don't qualify, they should have separate contests whereever there is a bloc. So the Russian lot would send in just one representative as would the Balkans and Scandinavia so you wouldn't get whole swathes of countries voting for each other. Either that or we should give the whole farce a miss.
This year was the first time I've been able to get it on TV for 20 yrs, what a farce - Ukraine?? it was dreadful I know they didn't win, but shouldn't have had even one point. and as for Serbia, women in suits? I can go to the nearest gay bar for that one!! and I even voted by sms - am I a wally?? but I enjoyed Sweden and Moldova.
................and as I was watching the Spanish version on Sky I didn't have to put up with Terry Wogan, so it wasn't all bad.
I thought the Ukraine and Bulgaria songs were much better than the cr@p we had......... Scooch my @rse!!
This must be the first time ever,that I've heard Terry Wogan loose the will to live on live TV, & during Eurovision at that !
It's time we withdrew our funding of the shambles that was Eurovision
Even if we had Kylie singing for us..we wouldnt stand a chance!
I think its about time we gave it up, The whole thing is embarrassing as are the songs that we put out there to represent us! What a farce!
True enough about the voting, though I think this is more to do with immigrants voting for their motherlands. With all the fuss about neighbouring countries, nobody seems to have noticed that Germany gave 12 points to Turkey AGAIN tonight. Germany just so happens to have a large number of Turkish immigrants.

As for us, I don't think our woeful score was entirely due to politics - I thought the song was absolute cack, even worse than last year's effort. We just don't seem to bother making the effort any more. Perhaps we should split the contest in two, and compete in Eurovision West, with all the funding that the UK, France, Germany and Spain put in, while Eurovision East would have to look after itself, and be held in a cowshed just outside Gdansk.

And don't get me started on that Serbian love child of John Prescott and Ronnie Corbett who won it this year.
I think our song was a good Eurovison winner...They did their best.
A few friends a few bottles of wine and a good laugh-that's my Euro song contest. I enjoy life.
I watched the semi final & that was enough for me. Uk & another 3 countries automatically qualified through due to being highest financial contributors.
Not as embarrassing as that pink Barbie doll girl "randomly" chosen to present part of the show. What was that about?
littleoldme posting has got to the heart of it re: voting trends. I mean Ireland gave 12 points to Lithuania, who didnt get a toss for the rest of the night. And hey, what about Malta's shambolic 12 points for the UK. Deserved my @rse
Felt Finland put on a great show and yeah the eastern Euoprean entries werem much superior to everything from this part of Europe.
if we ignored it will it go away?
Think we should ignore the whole ballyhoo. What a pain that we provide most of the money to stage it!!! Why oh why!

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