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Holby City

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crosby37 | 22:22 Thu 24th May 2007 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
When is it repeated


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So sorry re my question. First time on and I forgot my manners. Can anybody please tell me when Holby City is repeated. ( No Sky, only Freeview) Maybe it is not, in which case I am dead! My wife has gone to a WI meeting and I forgot to record it. If not repeated would anybody mind very much keeping me alive
by sending me a copy of tonights episode on a CD. Would of course reburse anybody who can save me from the woman who shows no mercy! Thank you.
1.10am on Monday mornings, however it is signed for the deaf
Question Author
Thanks chazza, Unfortunately I live in Wales (that dosnt sound right but you know what I mean) and I just found in the Radio Times that in regional variations Holby City is on BBC in England at 1.40am. Something else on at that time in Wales.
Can you advice me further chazza.

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