I must confess, I took an enormous amount of pleasure watching Tre squirm when it looked as though he would get fired. I don't think he'll win (though from what we're able to glean through the TV, he seems an absolutely vile man, so I may be letting wishful thinking obstruct my judgement).
Indeed, most of the people on it this year don't seem to be worth much cop. But Christina does (to my mind anyway) seem the most genuinely competent among them.
Katie seems wholly useless.
Lohit doesn't seem bad - though he's mainly just ended up on the winning team and done what he's supposed to. That's not bad by any means, but he hasn't really shone out either.
Simon, Simon, Simon.... Well, Sir Alan seems to like him, and he's seen a lot more of him than we have condensed into one hour a week. But, nevertheless, although he's a perfectly nice chap he seems pretty feeble.
My guess would be Christina v. Lohit. I think Christina will get it, but I won't be surprised if Lohit does.