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Fx on Virgin media

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lindapinda | 22:24 Tue 14th Aug 2007 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
We had been enjoying Dexter on FX with Virgin Media,but,the channel has suddenly disappeared from our basic package. Has this happened anyone else?


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I'm with Virgin Media and I must admit I've never watched this channel, but I've just checked and I still have it.

I think I'm on a medium package, I haven't got any sports or film channels, so perhaps it's worth a phone call to check what''s going on ?

I know they're adding Channel 4 +1 next week, so perhaps they're re-jigging packages ?
Hi Linda :o)

We still have FX too.
We had nothing but trouble with our Virgin telly package yesterday! It kept updating all the time then it would jump huge chunks of channels whilst I was channel hopping then update!
Like GetOverIt says I think they are currently updating as I now have Paramount comedy +1, FTN +1 etc since it all went funny earlier.
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Hi folks! I phoned them this morning,and was told that FX had been removed from the basic package. We have had Paramount Comedy +1 etc,for some time now,Wingnut. They seem to add new channels at any old time to be honest.I'll maybe keep checking it everyday anyway now,in hopes it'll appear again!
The same thing happened to me. I'd got into Dexter and was gutted when FX disappeared. Call me a cynic but I think its probably a marketing ploy by Virgin Media to get more people to upgrade their packages and so increase their profits by giving people a taster of a great series like Dexter and then removing the channel from your package just as it gets really interesting. It worked with me because I've just upgraded to the large TV package at a cost of an extra �9 a month. More pennies for Virgin.

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Fx on Virgin media

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