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Meg888 | 13:43 Fri 02nd Nov 2007 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
I was actually quite enjoying this 2 part drama, and even at times empathising with Muslims, however I got the shock of my life at that sanctimonious sh!t after credits rolled, it had me furious. All that cr4p about it being every individual's fault that they go round terrorising just because we made a choice of who we vote for.

They dont like our government, but wont go home because they've become accustomed to the freedom we have in the west, which our forefathers fought & died for, not theirs.

I voted for Blair 10yr back, but I'm not personally responsible, along with countless others for the war in Iraq etc. And Channel 4 should never have allowed the message at the to be shown. It's just giving the terrorists the right to rant at every single person in their own living room and just entices racial hatred


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I just saw her video (part of the program) which gave that opinion. Then it was facts and statistics stated after in the credits. The country has become more prejudiced towards young male muslims, thats a fact. It was a brilliant program and I think you misinterpretted the statistics given at the end.
Who is 'THEY'? All Young Muslims?? I didnt agree with the ending but Channel 4 are good at making programmes that cause reactions like this... Just like to draw attention to the only 2 comments about Britz posted by 2 Muslims on a webpage over the weekend...

Shenaz B wrote
oh gosh what a WASTE of air time was that 'britz'...argh i was like what is this rubbish??? girl has black boyfirend, gets sent back home, runs away, trained to be bomber, goes back to uk lives with 'funky pakistani guy' while making bombs to drum n bass, house and pop......wah??? after that i turned over i could not be botherd to watch the end, as it was so lame! and not to mention a waste of my time!!! sheeesh!

Iram R wrote
that programme p-ssed me off
she just HAD to be sent off to be trained as a suicide bomber didnt she
wot kind of message is that sending out to non muslims??
on the one hand, yes, theyll "understadn" the reasons behind the alienation of muslims, but at the same time it justifies what the government is doing at the same time; theyll still think that a lot of muslim youngsters are going out and wanting to be suicide bombers

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