On flicking through the satelite channels on Sky I noticed there are 2 channels devoted to real life films. They are channels 323 and 324 and are free to watch. Will these channels affect the revenue of Sky which you have to pay for? The film we watched last week on these new channels was excellent and very gripping. I don't know how long they have been in existence but could find no program listing for them in the papers.
I doubt that 2 free tv channels would do anything to dent the mighty Sky. To broadcast on Sky's satellite they would need their permission anyway.
Sky have over 6 million subscribers, even if they each paid the basic �252 p.a.thats �1.5 billion to sky in subs.
There are about a dozen free movie channels, including the 'bigger' Film 4. And they sit quite nicely beside Sky's rubbish channels. BUT, sky has exclusivity on most of the top movies, hence people's willingness to pay. Same goes for sport - it's because there are some big names/events on there that people are happy to pay.