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what's happened to Classic FM TV?

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flipnflap | 11:22 Sun 23rd Dec 2007 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
For a few weeks now, I've not been able to find Classic FM TV among the Music listings on Sky. Anybody know what's become of it? I really miss it.


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There's a contact page here for you to try, posting about an online tv service coming in 2008 33

And here there is talk about their licence being revoked php?t=711227

and php?t=712311
i think Omusic has taken its place? it seems like the same kind of introduction text at the beginning and end of every track played?

and plays all the same music?
Maybe it 's gone the same way as cmt(COUNTRY MUSIC)

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what's happened to Classic FM TV?

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