They bulk buy and so will not pay full price for the items in the first place. Plus the guide is often equivalent to the manufacturers RRP, which is often discounted in 'normal' shops. but where they make a lot of their money is on the phone calls. usually 75p or a quid per call (some channels charge per minute) and they have so many folk on the line that they easily make up shortfalls. So the item will ostensibly be a mega-bargain for you, but the channel will make money over the year. Also's worth checking the web for prices before you buy from these channels, as often you can get things just as cheap elsewhere, or the guide price is inflated. Also, check out the product on line, as often it's inferior quality eg they claim a camera is 4.0 megapixels, but this is 'interpolated' ie the camera is actually only 2.0 megapixels .....