Magic e and Geordie Racer were both from BBC childrens programmes called Look and Read. Magic E was done by a cartoon wizard who would turn the word 'kit' into 'kite' with his Magic E. Weirdo. Other highlights included Bill the Brickie who added the 'ing' to the end of words and Wordy the floating ghost/puppet thing who enjoyed full stops.
Sorry if I'm going on but I remember loads about this programme! Geordie Racer was the pigeon racing story with Kevin Whately (I think the bread was 'stotties' Doolally). Other stories I remember were Dark Towers (superb), The Boy from Space (terrifying), Badger Girl (rubbish) and one about a fairground that I remember little about except the theme tune (Fair, fair on the fairground). God, I must stop! I'm having full on flashbacks about sitting cross legged on the school hall floor watching these odd programmes. Still, it's got to be better than the bleedin' Tweenies eh?
P.S Think Ghost Writer and Through the Dragon's Eye were after my time but remember younger bro watching them.