I watched a really funny 4 or 5 part comedy last year on ITV. Basically, Mum and Dad, 3 Kids (dad was a UK comedian I cant remember his name). One of the kids was al little boy, majorly curly hair and have seen him on Adverts since. Desperately want to find out what it is called as I would like to get the DVD if they ever released one. HELP!
Hi! Thanks for your answer but no, it wasnt that one.
The comedian i am thinking of has blonde/ brown spikey hair - quite funny looking, Grrrr would really help if i knew his name! I think he was part of a comedy double and starred in 'Who's Line Is It Anyway'
Hmmm - think I may have it this time, quite good clues you gave there - made me think of Punt and Dennis. Looked on IMDB and found something starring Hugh Dennis called "Outnumbered" with this plot
A part-improvised comedy about a couple bringing up their three young children