Were you born to be Happy or born to be Sad? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Were you born to be Happy or born to be Sad?

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WhiteBear | 23:44 Wed 08th Oct 2008 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
i think was born to be sad. i dont remember one moment i was genuinely happy.

i remember i had a happy childhood but as i got older and knowning that i have a medical illness, which is uncureable,... i realise that im different to everyone around me. they get on with life do what they want etc... where as for me... im either stuck in hospital or restricted from doing things i want to do.

just fed up. :'(
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Oh little Bear please have a ((hug)) I cant make your illness go away, but know that we all have crosses to carry. You must speak to someone to see if they can help lift your mood. Depression is a terrible thing.

Love Mamya xxx
What's the matter hun? I know how you feel. X.
WB, I can truly sympathise with you, but let me just tell you of an instance when I had reason to visit a school for mentally & physically handicapped children. It was their Sports Day, and I felt very humble as, one by one, they went up to receive their awards, with pride and delight on their faces. Some of these children were confined to wheelchairs, or had terrible disfigurements. One child told me that she never knew if any of her pals'd return to school from one week to the next, as many needed hospital treatment. Please hun, try and realise that there are others out there, who have awful illnesses to cope with, yet may not be as able-bodied as yourself. If you feel much worse, DO open up to your doctor. You know where I am. xx
I have most times in life felt happy. I feel really sad now though reading your post WhiteBear, life has obviously not been kind to you. I send you cyber hugs and hope your depression lifts. xx
You don't sound like you try very hard to be happy sometimes.

Sadness is easy, it's not hard to be sad if you're predisposed to it, have a reason and then have some hard times. Absolutely no work involved to be sad.

Happiness takes work, you have to be prepared to fail, take chances, go through some stuff that's likely to make you more sad initially, take a risk on others and also change things about yourself including some of your perspective. All very difficult things to do at times but the rewards are a lot better than constant concentration on the things that make you sad.

Just an observation.
Hello Whitebear - depression is an awful thing for anyone to suffer with & I really do feel for you.

I wish you well & hope you have lots of brighter days in the future.

Arms around you. -xx-
WhiteBear I sympathise with you, but don't you think that if you think unhappy thoughts you are going to feel unhappy -why not try to think of happy things, what do you enjoy in life? I know a little about depression and I know that it is something you can't just be told to cheer up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, but there must be good things as well; do you have "up" days as well as "down" times? And if you honestly feel that you have never had a moment when you feel genuinely happy try to imagine something for the future, set yourself little goals - even going for a walk somewhere quiet and looking at all the lovely autumnal colours we have this year.
Lots of hugs for you.
was happy as a child,before went to school,life down hill ever sinse,although not an only child,found some folk more = than others
I was born to be wild W B
Question Author
Awwww many thanks for the cyber hugs, its just what i need everyday xxxx

and thank you for the advices. xx

knobby, i wish i was born to be wild =)

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