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Coronation Street

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Linzi84 | 13:28 Mon 18th Oct 2004 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
I didn't realy know where to post this question, but how do I find out what agencies in the North of England are the best ones for putting you forward for actual parts in Soaps such as Corrie? I am with an agency now but they seem to just get extra work and nothing else. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Antony Cotton plays the camp Underworld worker who until recently lodged with the Grimshaws. He had previously appeared in a VERY minor role (five words drowned in noise) in a nightclub when Martin and Kate experienced a ripple in their relationship.


A previous TV exposure of his was a leading part in "Queer as Folk". It seems that Corrie producers do not risk their highly honed product on unknowns, but choose established actors. The way in is to keep taking those extra parts and get noticed. Give it a bit of a shove by making the right connections when you are on set.


Buy 'The Stage' every week from your newsagent.

Auditions are advertised in it for TV stage and all other forms of entertainment work.


My friend works for Granada therefore I will ask for you..



My friend works for Granada therefore I will ask for you..


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Thank you ChrissyG that would be great!! Thanks guys for your replies x

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