Ronnie is the oldest daughter of Archie and Glenda Mitchell. Described as always independent and headstrong, Ronnie grew wise to her father's manipulating and vindictive ways, through which both her mother and sister Roxy had become victims. Her parents' marriage was very unhappy due to Archie's constant philandering and eventually her mother walked out on their marriage and her daughters, moving to Australia. Ronnie, believing this was her father's doing, rebelled against him and began having sex with her boyfriend Joel Reynolds at 14. As a result she fell pregnant, something she didn't disclose until she was in her fifth month of pregnancy, and after being taken to live with distant relatives by her father she gave birth to her daughter Amy on 26 June 1989. However just hours after the birth Archie had the baby adopted out, which devastated Ronnie and resulted in a built-up hatred between father and daughter, culminating in Ronnie's departure from the family home in 1993 at 19.