We are leaving our 18 year old cat in the care of our next door neighbour (who he knows very well) for three weeks while we go on holiday to visit family. We would take him with us, but the car journey is 7 hours, then we have to go on a 12 hour ferry journey and at his age this is just not feasible. Any tips on how to make him not miss us too much.? Talk about pessimism my husband is going to dig a grave in the garden in case he dies while we are away..... He looks as fit as a flea, and does not look anything like popping his clogs to me!!!!
It sounds silly, but you could leave an item of clothing (unwashed) with him, so that he can still smell you. We always used to leave an old jumper of my husband's and she used to use it as a bed.
A grave? Heavens above, the cat will be fine!! Have you never gone away before? Mine goes in a cattery 2-3 times a year and she's always ok when I get back.