jumbuck I have tried your suggestion-nothing, as to other suggestions, under the "answered questions" bar it just says pag and nothing else. I am a bwginner so do not understand technical computer terms, at 70+++ I am a bit slow !
Sorry, since there is now no way to preview an answer before submitting it, both those links take you to the album, not the individual pictures - just click on each of the 2 pictures that are there (labelled "AB ..."
Sorry mrsmurphy but the combination of this site being slow, my mobile broadband connection being very unreliable and I'm going out soon for the rest of the day means that I won't be able to help you again today, probably not until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, so you might want to consider asking other people by starting a new question.
And computers/internet are not just for youngsters (even though they like to think so).