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Poor Ben ! Did you see his face when Phil gave Louise...

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lardhelmet | 19:59 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
...the dancing lessons & he got a pair of trainers in EE! Hilarious!


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Poor kid! I hope he finds an ally in Louise - they seem to be getting on well enough.
I'd feel sorry for anyone with phil as a father !
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I think he has a cunning plan saxy - not sure he's big enough to bury her under a patio yet tho. Actually not sure anyone in Albert Square has a patio...
There`s a surprising storylineline coming up re Ben
Is it Glee releated - he reminds me of one of the cast of Glee
No it`s not Ric.cor. Havent seen Glee so cant comment.
Are they going to make him gay and Phil goes mad?

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Poor Ben ! Did you see his face when Phil gave Louise...

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