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Girls who ran on motorway

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linedancer3 | 22:36 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Anybody just watched the programme about the Swedish twins who kept running into motorway traffic and one then later murdered a man who took her in. (a true story). What a strange story!


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When was it on? What channel?
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Its just finished. It was on BBC 1 at 10.35 - 11.25.
I only saw the beginning .
Two Sweedish sisters - wasn't it

Did they say what the reason was for them running into traffic on the motorway ?
Did they recover from their injuries , they suffered at the start ?

I would appreciate a synopsis of what transpired , please
very strange i agree, i found it particularly funny when the female copper said "she turned around, and tw@tted me, and i slipped" lol, made me giggle!
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They both survived, one kept in hospital and one later released. The one who was released went on to stab to death a man who befriended her and took her in ( for no apparent reason). It was decided they were both suffering from some rare mental disorder and the girl who had killed the man is serving five years in prison. The other went back to America where she lived when she was released from hospital !
There is already a thread about this - yes strange, sad and difficult to know what should have been done.
Thanks for that

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Girls who ran on motorway

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