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In the old days...

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Waterwolf | 21:37 Fri 03rd May 2002 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
I'm pretty sure I can remember a time when this section wasn't full of questions about ad music. Any opinions on why there was such an explosion?


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The purpose of using ad. music is to ensure people remember the product. By repeating the same short snatch of music several times, you lodge the music, and hopefully the product, in the minds of the viewing public - hence the desire to find out the more and more obscure music advertisers are using to soundtrack their ads. By definition, advertisers use memorable catchy tunes, and people are keen to find out their source - which is where a Site like this comes into its own. Once readers see that music is being identified, they place their own questions, and the whole thing snowballs. Readers know that there is an excellent chance that someone out there will know their elusive sound, and they can often get a version to enjoy for themselves.
yeah cos many people dont listen to the radio.most prefer the tv and thus get informed on music through ads...

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