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Anyone bought the i paper?

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bibblebub | 10:21 Tue 26th Oct 2010 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
The compact version of the Independent.

I shall purchase it later but was wondering if anyone has any opinions about it already.

p.s. does it include a cryptic crossword?


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"This new spin-off from the Indy has a five-clue cryptic crossword, I see (with four-letter unches in three of the answers). Stick with the big paper, folks..."
What is a four letter unch Qizmonkey?
sorry Quiz missed out the U
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Couldn't find it in the shops so will have to have another look tomorrow.
Bet apple will be threatening to sue them over the name, Apple are famously protective of anybody else using I anything.
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Granny Smith has never been too happy with Jobs
they threatened to sue the Australian makers of a spade designed to bury your...errr... mess while camping claiming that the name iPood would confuse consumers into thinking it's an apple poo spade!!
Considering he nicked the name off the Beatles Job has a bit of a cheek don't you think.
Sorry! In crossword parlance, an unch is a cell in a crossword grid that is filled by only one answer (ie. no crossing from both a down and across entry). It's short for 'unchecked'.
Anyone actually BUYS the Indie ??? a four-letter unch is four unchecked cells in one answer. This was a quote, incidentally - not my comment on the paper/crossword!

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Anyone bought the i paper?

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