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X Factor What Happened with the Deadlock Vote

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oscarina | 21:15 Sun 07th Nov 2010 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
Simon sent Treyc home, Louis sent Treyc home, Danni sent Katie home, Cheryl chickened out of the vote! How come Tryce was out! I am confused


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I think Cheryl should have been asked last......Cowell was asked last when he had 2 acts in the sing-off, it didn't matter in the end but he also refused to say who he would have voted for.
Simon said that Treyc had the better voice, making us presume he'd vote Katie off. This is a competition based on singing, so he votes off.........................Treyc!
Dannii the only judge that makes any sense !!!!!!!!!!
how can they choose katie over treyc ??
Treyc is same old same old. Katie's a least a bit different.
I think the whole thing was pre planned as soon as the producers realised katie was bottom two again I believe Dermot asked cheryl second on purpose if it had gone to dealock katie would've almost certainly been out she is getting the x factor lots of publicty they werent ready for to go out yet thats what I think.
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The judges always say they will base their judgement on the last sing off, Katie messed up Treyc performed great, it is a singing competition but then we still have Wagner! I still think Cheryl should have said where her vote would go, she is quick enough to voice her opinion and vote of acts that she doesn't mentor!
she 's acting very Diva like, silly girl
Don't much care as long as I can keep watching Matt every week!! Don't give a damn what happens or who wins. Matt will make good for sure X factor or not!!
yes I hope he wins too LL
bloody Wagner gives his namesake a bad

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X Factor What Happened with the Deadlock Vote

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