All the part time jobs children aren't allowed to have now. When I was 12 I worked seven days a week on the milk round meeting the milkman every morning at 5am. All before school. Every Thursday and Friday night was spent collecting bills.
I worked in as a forecourt attendant when I was 15. Petrol was 65p a gallon (15p a litre), crisps were 2p a pack and I smoked 40 Rothmans a day at 38p for 20!
The football matches were classics, especially the FA Cup Finals which were magical. We'd sit from about 9am and watch the preparations, team breakfasts etc then the match in the afternoon. Newcastle-Fulham, Southampton's win with Bobby Stokes scoring the goal etc.
Every Saturday night we'd watch TV all night. Wrestling on World of Sport, then Dr. Who, Jim'll Fix It, The Generation Game, Parkinson, then a Hammer horror film to finish.