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Why airports for top story?

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bibblebub | 07:52 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
The top story on the news for the last few days is the state of the airports, and we get to see the same pictures of some people having to sleep at the terminals because their flight has been cancelled.

Far more people are affected by road conditions or even the state of the railways so why do news editors consider air travel to be of greater newsworthiness?


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Because it affects more than just people from the UK maybe?

I saw those clips of the airport ... it's just like Athens on ANY DAY of the year.
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But news for domestic consumption?

Fortunately I haven't used an airport for 40 years.
I think because millions of people fly off about now for a bit of winter sunshine. The rich to the Bahamas or the Far East, and the less well off to Lanzarote or wherever. Looks like they wont be going this year.
How do you spell 'schadenfreude'?
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whichever way, c'est le bon mot
I don't know the answer Bibblebub, and I do feel really sorry for people who were expecting to fly off for a well earned break but all I have seen is "whinge whinge whinge" like it's the airports' fault that someone decided to dump a shed load of snow on us and then freeze it. Trouble is, the airports are damned if they do and damned if they don't. If a plane slipped off the runway in the ice people would be saying "why didn't they close the runways"........
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In the new year there is a new set of strikes planned so the whinging will probably continue for some time yet.
i think it's because it affects 100's/1000's of people all together. Although the roads are affecting the same amount of/more people, they are staying at home in ther 4's or 2's or getting stuck in work in their 10's and 20's.
Those 100's of people who are stuck in big traffic jams are unable to be got to by by the news cause they're in a traffic jam
It's warmer for the reporters to stand in an Airport with bars and coffee shops than it is to stand by the side of a road.

(cynical... me.... never!)
It's so all the Middle Class BBC reporters can keep an eye on their flight departures to Chamonix and StMoritz. God forbid they're not able to go skiing this season, what on earth would they have to talk about at Tarquin and Miranda's dinner party.
i was having the same thoughts this morning watching bbc news.

who cares, eh. i don't.
I thought the same, worse to be stuck in a car on a snow bound road, for about 7 hours like some people were.

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