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Tv actor name wanted

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toonmilo | 13:55 Fri 18th Feb 2011 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers

This will come across very vague, but i am trying to find out the name of an english actor who had grey hair, probably aged between 50 and 60. I seem to remember him popping up in some sort of tv advert selling some kind of insurance. I have his face pictured in my head but that doesnt help when googling!

I would say he looks like a shorter version of Ian Lavender (In his time in Eastenders)

Hope this helps

Can anyone chuck any names at me?


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Bibblebub..........You are an absolute star!!!!!!!

Thats him!!!!!!

Thx, youve just won me a fiver
wow bibble i don't know how you do it...
i'll forecast the lottery numbers for you, but hand over 5 quid first
That was amazing. Well done.

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Tv actor name wanted

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